Submit a Name
Is there someone you know, a loved one, a colleague, a neighbor, a friend who helped in the 9-month Rescue and Recovery Effort at the World Trade Center site, and has since died? We are making every effort to find the names of all who responded so we can honor them and their service by calling their names in our annual tribute ceremony. The reason for their death does not matter; if they came and helped and have since died, we honor them. We call Responders by their title/affiliation: Firefighter, Iron Worker, Police Officer, Sanitation Worker, Operating Engineer, etc. If the Responder was part of a group, thank you for including their affiliation.
Please use the form on this page to submit the name(s) of any 9/11 Rescue & Recovery Responder or Volunteer who has died. We are grateful for your submission.
If you have any questions, please email Barbara Horn at, or or call: (516) 359-2275; thank you.
Our list of names will be updated very soon!
See current list of names >